“Women Don’t Reckon in At All:” Series 1, Part 3

As a new army bride, Martha's first days with the Eighth Infantry were glitteringly happy ones that soon came crashing down to reality, if not quite misery. Even though Martha was surprised by Fort Russell's remote location compared to the grandeur of Germany (11), it wasn't long before the ways of the Army captured her … Continue reading “Women Don’t Reckon in At All:” Series 1, Part 3

A Rhubarb Cake for Kaffeeklatsch: Series 1, Recipe 1

The early chapters of Vanished Arizona have a number of enticing references to food. One that particularly intrigues me is Martha's mention of Kaffeeklatsches, a charming German practice she enjoyed while in Germany.* She wrote, "In this beautiful city, life could not be taken any other than leisurely. Theatres with early hours, the maid coming … Continue reading A Rhubarb Cake for Kaffeeklatsch: Series 1, Recipe 1

Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment, by Nancy K. Loane: A Review

Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment. By Nancy K. Loane. Lincoln, NE: Potomac Books, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-59797-385-4. Pp. ix-205. $25.39 (hardcover). If you have ever had the privilege of touring the Valley Forge National Historic Park, you will undoubtedly know a thing or two about the difficulties faced by the Continental Army … Continue reading Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment, by Nancy K. Loane: A Review